
The SEN Code of Practice (2015) describes parent carer forums as “representative groups of parents and carers of children and young people with disabilities who work alongside Local Authorities, Education, Health and other service providers to ensure that the services they plan, commission, deliver and monitor meet the needs of children and families.”

Here at Newcastle PCF, we are a steering group of parent and carer volunteers who listen to the views of other parents and carers in our community to gauge what is working, what’s not working so well and to identify gaps in services. We will then liaise on a strategic level with the local authority to improve services and ensure that the needs of children and young people(0-25) are being met.

The Forum strives to support local families, sharing knowledge and advice and by helping families to come together to support each other. By being a united voice we can make sure that our children and families are at the centre of the planning and review process and are fully represented.

We have a CODE OF CONDUCT that we have all agreed to follow. Click the link to view.